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The SLFA-60 (our most popular ASTM D4294 compliant analyzer) introduces the new standard of transportable sulfur-in-oil analyzers. The software allows up to 15 separate calibration curves and the hardware is capable of meeting the growing changes in the industry. For accuracy and reliability, the sample jig tool allows for samples to be sealed and to remain leak free. 80mm wide printouts show sample ID, the X-ray spectrum, date, time, average measurement value, standard deviation and the calibration curve graph.


The MESA-7220 is versatile for a wide range of applications for sulfur and chlorine in the range of 1 ppm - wt% levels. Algorithmic software corrects for interferences coming from intrusive elements. High count rate processing capability results in greater accuracy and precision with shorter measurement times. Performance is well established as it is compliant with ASTM and ISO International Sulfur Determination Norms. MESA-7220 configurations are available for single sample measurements or with an 8-station turntable.

The MESA-7220V2 measures both sulfur and chlorine in petroleum based products using the Monochromatic EDXRF method. A monochromatic X-ray source is used in order to obtain an ultra-low noise background which affords the best detection limits for both sulfur and chlorine. The detector window size was increased to collect more fluorescent X-rays and thus achieve lower level ppm values. This provides excellent, repeatable performance at both low and high concentrations of both elements.


SLFA-60 sulfur analyzer

To read more about the applications these instruments can perform, visit the Application Notes page.


The SLFA-6000 Series, which includes the SLFA-6100 and SLFA-6800 analyzers, measures sulfur-in-oil ranging from 5 ppm to 9.9999 wt%. This new, compact, and accurate analyzer meets the needs of anyone wishing to conform to ASTM D4294, ISO 8754 or JIS K2541/B7995. Featuring an optimized user interface, full-color monitor, USB output, data printout option, and an optional keyboard. A shutter for ease of use prevents X-ray leakage along with a new key switch function and a newly designed 8-station turntable for the SLFA-6800.


The X-5000 is a rugged, fully integrated closed beam portable EDXRF system that offers the power and performance of a traditional benchtop XRF, but is designed to be transportable. Using a Silicone Drift Detector, low ppm detection limits can be achieved for many elements in a variety of sample types and matrices. Applications include fuels, additives, wear metal oils, crude oils, water, coke, and coal. This easy-to-use analyzer is a fast, flexible alternative solution to traditional testing methods.


The XPLORER-NS was developed as a total nitrogen/total sulfur combustion analyzer, and the XPLORER-TX/TS a total halogen and sulfur microcoulometric combusiton analyzer. Both instruments offer fast, precise analysis of all phases; liquids, solids, and gases (including LPG's). These instruments were designed to offer standardized and customized solutions to match both current and future analytical needs, ranging from low ppb’s to high ppm’s.

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