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HORIBA continues it's innovation in the petroleum market by proudly teaming with Olympus Innov-X to promote the X-5000 Mobile XRF Analyzer.  The X-5000 is a rugged, fully integrated closed beam portable EDXRF system that offers the power and performance of a traditional benchtop XRF, but is designed for transportable operation. Using a Silicone Drift Detector, low PPM detection limits can be achieved for many elements in a variety of sample types and matrices.  Applications include fuels, additives, and wear metal oils to crude oils, water, coke, and coal allow this easy to use analyzer to be a fast, flexible solution to traditional testing methods.

Energy Dispersive X-ray


The X-5000 integrates advanced 3-beam (kV-mA-filter) technology with a silver anode X-ray tube and large area Silicon Drift Detector (SDD). This powerful EDXRF combination is optimized to analyze 20+ elements in oils along with providing the highest possible sensitivity for sulfur. Analyzers are precalibrated with NIST standards in a clean mineral oil matrix without interfering elements.


  • The onboard PC controls full operation of the X-5000 in any analysis environment.

  • Large display with virtual keyboard.

  • Field-hardened color touch screen.


  • User-friendly data analysis interface

     - Spectral overlay

     - Easy peak identification

     - Elemental concentrations with RSD

Key Applications

  • ASTM D4294 Sulfur Analysis


  • ASTM D6481 Unused Lubricating Oils Testing:

       Ca, P, Zn, S. Mo, Mn


  • Wear Metals Monitoring:

       Fe, V, Pb, Cr, Cu, Sb, Sn, Mo, Ti, Ni, Cd


  • Sulfur content at well drilling sites


  • Mercury and Arsenic Contaminate Testing in Tank Bottom Sludge


  • RCRA and Other Pollutant Metals Screening in Soils, sediments, and runoff streams

Sample Loading

A sample guide/holder is attached to the X-5000 sample deck to accurately and securely placed sample cups or bottles with a secondary spill containment for liquid samples.

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