ViewSizer™ 3000
The ViewSizer™ 3000 is an instrument that visualises scattering from individual nanoparticles in suspension. This data is used to determine particle movement and infer particle size using the Stokes Einstein Relationship. Then, by using the known illuminated and imaged sample volume, particle number concentration is readily determined. Thus, from a single measurement, two critical pieces of information are determined: Particle size distribution and particle concentration.
By incorporating three variable light sources (blue, green and red), the The ViewSizer 3000 is able to select the optimum conditions for any sample analysis, overcoming the limitations of NTA when analysing polydisperse sample and enabling a much larger range of particle sizes to be visualized.
VIewSizer 3000 How-to Use video

By introducing the sample in easy-to-use (and clean) cuvette, the ViewSizer 3000 is able to repeatedly ‘analyze and stir’, giving a much more reproducible result. And because the sample is viewed in a vertical orientation, it is perfect for visualising processes such as protein aggregation or crystal dissolution.
Whether you are using NTA for the analysis of exosomes or other microvesicles or for complex nanoparticle kinetic processes, the ViewSizer 3000 is a breakthrough technology, bringing better analysis to your laboratory.
Key Features
High resolution particle size distribution and visualisation
Wide range of particle sizes in the same sample
Multiple light sources (blue, green and red)
Perfect for monitoring nanoparticle kinetics